Whiplash can be a debilitating injury which can cause significant pain. It is usually the result of a car accident, where you have been thrown forward which causes soft tissue damage. If you have been in an accident and sustained whiplash, it is important that you get in touch with one of our Bristol personal injury lawyers as soon as possible so that we can talk you through the process of getting compensation.
If the car accident was not your fault, you stand a good chance of receiving compensation but you will first need to demonstrate that you have genuinely sustained an injury. For this reason it is always a good idea to keep hold of any medical letters or evidence that can be used to verify your claim. It can seem overwhelming but our friendly Bristol lawyers have dealt with hundreds of similar cases and will be able to guide you through every step of the process.
While you are making your claim, our specialist legal advisors here in Bristol will help you collate all the necessary information about the nature of your whiplash. We will ask you to explain the effect it has had on you. If you sustained other injuries in the car accident, for example cuts and bruises or head injuries, we will ask for details of these as well.
People who have suffered whiplash injury have received somewhat negative press in recent years due to the fact that some people make fraudulent compensation claims when they are not really injured. We understand that this can put some people off making a claim, as they do not want to be judged or to have their story doubt. You can rest assured that our sympathetic team of Bristol lawyers will be able to help put your mind at ease. Although we would never condone fraud, we do not want genuine claimants to be put off making a claim because they are worried about how they will be viewed. Whiplash is a very real injury which causes untold pain to those who suffer from it. Call our injury lawyers today and we will get you started on the road to the compensation you deserve.
Call us on 01174 538 052 or from you mobile 03300297674
*Other costs may be payable
**Personal Injury Claims Bristol have a team of technical claims qualifiers who will speak with you and if you have, in our opinion, a valid claim we can refer your case to one of the personal injury solicitors on our panel.